Music for Spanish Dance Classes

Three new compact discs and music books for Spanish dance classes

We are proud to offer you the first three compact discs and music books in the world composed specifically for the first classes in Spanish dance. They contain music for exercises in both the Bolero and Flamenco styles (Levels 1, 2 & 3).

For each exercise we have composed and recorded at least 2
pieces of music, the second (or third) usually longer
and a bit faster than the first.
For more details please visit the indexes page (detailed indexes)

The music has been carefully composed by Juan Ponzoda Gisbert, a famous Spanish dance accompanist with more than 50 years of experience in this field. For many years, until his recent retirement, he worked in the conservatory in Alicante (Spain) .

You can also buy the printed sheet music for these Compact Discs

The first compact disc/music book contains 30 pieces
of music, the second 39 pieces and the third 42 pieces.
The ordering codes are jpcd1, jpcd2 or jpcd3 for the compact discs and jpmus1, jpmus2 and jpmus3 for the music books.


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